Even Sterilization Cannot Excuse Poor Cleaning Practices

By kschlachter

The global pandemic has dramatically underscored the value of infection control protocols. But, already there had been new emphasis on infection prevention and reducing readmissions due to healthcare-acquired infections — and so more attention than ever on endoscope reprocessing, says Mary Ann Drosnock, manager of clinical education for endoscopy with Healthmark Industries. “I feel like these…

Like Fine Wine, You Can’t Rush Loaner Medical Equipment

By kschlachter

When loaner trays of medical equipment first arrive at a hospital, their level of cleanliness is simply the luck of the draw. “The same challenges with loaner equipment have persisted for years,” says Bob Marrs, who spent nine years with a surgical instrument supplier, in various educational and consulting roles, and previously worked in perioperative…

Sterile Processors: Front Line Virus Warriors

By kschlachter

Most people try to avoid viruses, but sterile processors live for daily brushes with them. How can a sterile processor stay safe and protect the patients they serve? When it comes to viruses, the global pandemic has inspired a daily diet of education in what they are, how they mutate and ways to avoid having…