How Innovative Tray Solutions Can Speed Throughput and Profitability at ASCs

By kschlachter

Originally published in Beckers ASC Review Issue August 2023 The ambulatory surgery center ecosystem is thriving. New ASCs, whether owned privately or through cooperative investments with hospitals, are springing up across the nation — and their surgical volumes are growing. This trend, driven largely by changes in reimbursement models that prize cost efficiency and high-quality…

Bridging the Gap in Medical Instrument, Sterilization, and Transportation

By kschlachter

In the world of sterile processing, efficiency and cost savings are paramount. Innovative Sterilization Technologies (IST), a company known for its innovative solutions, is at the forefront of revolutionizing how care is delivered. With their range of products, including ONE TRAY®, EZ-TRAX™ and ONE CART™, ONE TRAY®/IST has already made significant strides in improving instrument…