Budget Considerations for Decontamination and Sterilization

By Barbara Ann Harmer

Last quarter, part 1 of this 2-part series spoke to the decontamination phase of reprocessing. Budgeting appropriately for your identified needs and those that are not expected is key to the success of your instrument reprocessing. The focus of this article will be to discuss the budget considerations for sterilization, looking again at labor, utilities,…

It’s Never Too Early To Prepare for a Survey

By Barbara Ann Harmer

It’s never too early to prepare for a survey. Did you know that you can reach out to the manufacturer of a product in question before, OR DURING a survey? Preparation for a survey/inspection should be an ongoing task as well as managing and keeping up with required documentation. A key point that is often…

Reflection Time: Where Did Using Common Sense Go?

By Barbara Ann Harmer

When I was growing up, my mother used to tell me that I was incredibly good with my book knowledge (probably the reason why I was respected when surveying for 25 years) but common sense was not my strong point. Common sense is something that I developed as I matured, and I have concluded that…

Before Sterilization There is… Decontamination and Cleaning

By Barbara Ann Harmer

Barbara Ann Harmer, MHA, BSN, RN, Vice President of Clinical Services – ONE TRAY® Article posted by ASORN, May 2021 Always begin the preparation for instrument decontamination at the point of use.  Instrument manufacturers IFUs provide instructions for decontamination, cleaning and processing that are required to achieve the needed results. Transport contaminated instruments to the…